The category of Courtyard Geese gatheres together all of that breeds which are linked with the humans countrylife. Among them, there is the Romagna Goose which is very important, common and also one of the most ancient breed in the world. It is an Italian breed and, as the name tell us, it comes from the Emilia Romagna, exactly from Ferrara, Ravenna, Forlì and Bologna. The Romagna Goose is widespread from centuries and it has always accompanied the human being through his countrylife with a very peculiar dietary purpose. An important historical event which is linked with that breed is that in the distant 382 b.c. the Romagna Goose saved the Capitol from the Brenno’s Gallic troops. This breed is particularly heavy and awkward; it prefers small areas because it is extremely slug. . It is quiet indeed it is not an aggressive goose even in the reproductive season. The Romagna Goose is gregarious, it lives in groups and, often, it can build a strong bond with all other courtyard animals. As the other Courtyard Geese it has a very big pair of wings but, usually, they are used only in a very dangerous case. It is omnivorous so it loves to eat berries, tubers and also corn seeds. But, during brood season, a very special food comes from the grazing. The Romagna Goose loves to eat bread, especially when it is soaked by a lot of hot water in order to become a very important food also for little goslings. During spring time, the Romagna Goose lays down a lot of eggs; those last are white, medium sized and also rounded. At the same time, female can brood also 30/32 eggs together. Between two sexes, there isn’t a specific sexual dimorphism but ganders are bigger than their mates and their voice is stronger and higher too. Both are white, their eyes are clear blue, while beak and paws are orange. Female of Romagna Goose is used as baby-sitter ” in order to hatch eggs of other rare and peculiar breeds. The Romagna Goose is also called as Earning Goose because of its fine meat. But it is also known as Italian Goose from the 1996 and as Roman Goose as the poultry Spanish farmer of Barcelona were used to call it.