Black East Indian comes from India, it is a domestic duck and it is the result from several ornamental crossbreeds. That breed has many names and it is also regarded as “Labrador” or “East India”. Black East Indian is quiet and gregarious and it lives well with many other similar, also in a very small place. It loves relaxing itself all the day near ponds or little water where there is sparse vegetation and it prefers lower water where it can bring deeper roots with its beak. Even if it is omnivorous, it mainly feeds on grains, above all in winter time and in the spring one is in search of insects, invertebrates and small worms. Black East Indian is not monogamous because drake also can have three females; these latter build the nest and after they protect ducklings. During spring time, Black East Indian females, very similar to Mallard (Anas Platyrhynchos) females, can hatch till three times. Even if broods are many, the infant mortality is so high because there are several predators like crows. Ducklings are completely black and they are immediately ready to feeds because of the quiet behavior of their parents. Because of their behavior, within Allevamento Poggio di Ponte ducklings of Black East Indian are very important because they teach to feed to other more complicated and difficult breeds. There aren’t too many differences between drakes and females. It is possible to recognize Black East Indian drake from the peculiar curl on the tail and because it has quite no voice than the female. Drake also has black paws and a particular green-yellow beak. Female is smaller and it has a darker beak; its paws are completely black and it makes a higher sound than drake. Both Black East Indian parents have an extraordinary and beautiful emerald green plumage that also presents other several reflections like blue or violet, which are especially visible under the sunlight.