Cauchois derives from some crossbreeds among country doves, “Croppers”, “Mondains” and “Carneaus”. It is a French breed but it comes from Normandy and to be more precise it comes from Caux area. Cauchois has an elegant appearance. Adult weight varies from 700 to 800 grammes in males and from 650 to 700 grammes in females. Within Allevamento Poggio di Ponte, Cauchois is in two varieties: yellow and red linked white.
Head: Long, small in relation with body size and with a rounded profile.
Eyes: Iris is red-orange. Contours are clutched.
Beak: Medium-length and rather straight. Nostrils are white, smooth and not so developed.
Breast: Solid and rounded. With a rather straight breastbone.
Back: Large and rounded. In all varieties, back must be white.
Wings: They are on the tail without coming across each other, they well cover the back and are quite long. In male wingspan varies from 85 to 90 cm, in female between 80 and 85 cm about.
Tail: It is 15 cm long, large, solid, is closed and is on the back line.
Paws: Medium-length, they are in proportion to body. Tarsus and fingers are strong, without feathers and dark red.
Plumage: It has long and soft feathers.
Coat: Linked, blue with red, pink, white drawing wing and silver with yellow and white drawing wing. With bars: blue with red bars, blue with pink bars, blue with white bars, silver with yellow bars, silver with white bars, red with bars, yellow with bars. Totally red, yellow and black.