Rostov Tumbler is a little height dove, low position, it is solid and with prominent beak. It is hailing from Russia and was created in the area between Volga and Don rivers. Its name comes from the city in which it was born. Wings are under the tail which shall be carry on high. Paws are plumed. A faint neck shake is very typical. Within Allevamento Poggio di Ponte, Rostov Tumbler is in its traditional yellow and black variety.
Head: Small, rounded, with the forehead large and high as much as possible. It is smooth in subjects which present only one color.
Eyes: Iris is pearl color, also in white subjects. Contours are delicate, soft and well apparent.
Beak: Medium-short and solid, it forms an obtuse angle with the forehead. Nostrils are small and smooth.
Breast: Large, well rounded, slightly prominent and carry on high.
Back: Large, very short and sunken.
Wings: Short as much as possible, they are carry under the tail and closed.
Tail: Larger than the breast, flat and it must be composed at least by 14 feathers. When dove is in action, the tail is quite vertical.
Paws: Short, they have medium length foot and claws in proportion with the length of foot.
Plumage: Large, not so long, well close-fitting to the body.
Coat: Totally white, black, red, yellow, blue with bars, dark stone, silver, tabby, dabbed.